There is no music in the world that can make me cry and give me goosebumps like the man in black, Mr. Johnny Cash. I was sitting here with Ben on my knee, trying to check my mail, when he started fussing. I was inspired to put some music on and as I put on "Bridge Over Troubled Water" Ben calmed down. The perfect harmony of Johhny and June's voices made my eyes start water and I whispered to my baby boy "someday Ben, you'll listen to this music and it will change you, because it changed me"
I guess the purpose of this post is really to thank my Daddy. I can't blame anyone in the world for making me love music other than my father. I can remember rainy days when we would put on "Bob Marley: Legend" and we would dance around the living room until I had an asthma attack. Or those days when I felt sad, Dad would put on some Bob Dylan or Buffalo Springfield and I let the music feel sad for me.
Colin and I have talked a lot about how we want to raise Ben and some things we aren't sure about yet, but one thing is for sure, he will grow up in a home full of music. Just like I did. One day he will thank us for it.